Get leads for your freelance design career

Pay a minimum fee per month to get verified leads. No catch.

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What are you going to get?

3 Reasons why 🤩

Get Hot & Verified leads

We'll ensure the lead is verified and ready to be converted for work.

Get a steady stream of projects

We regularly add in projects every week for you to pick and choose. If you find it fake let us know.

Trustworthy Projects

After the project, we'll get your feedback so that the clients are rated and others are notified about the same.


What's the catch and what am I missing?

We get it that it sounds catchy and there maybe hidden fees involved. There is no hidden fees and we don't take any cut from your project fees.

Is this a Beta Program?

Yes, we're currently testing this out and only 15 spots left for verified freelancers.

What kind of projects do you currently handle?

Currently we handle, design projects only.

Do you cut from the Project Cost?

No we do not, we leave it you and the client.


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